Firearms are not only expensive investments, but they are also valuable tools that require proper care and maintenance. One of the biggest threats to the longevity of your firearm is corrosion. Corrosion can cause irreversible damage to the metal components, affecting the performance and functionality of your firearm.

In this article, we will dive into the science behind firearm corrosion, exploring the various factors that contribute to its occurrence. We will also provide you with practical tips and preventive measures to safeguard your investment and ensure optimal firearm performance.

From humidity and moisture exposure to improper storage techniques, we will uncover the most common causes of firearm corrosion. Additionally, we will discuss the importance of regular cleaning and maintenance routines to combat this issue.

Whether you are a seasoned firearm owner or new to the world of firearms, understanding and preventing firearm corrosion is crucial to protect your investment and ensure the longevity of your firearm. So, let’s dive in and learn how to keep your firearms in top condition for years to come.

Understanding the causes of firearm corrosion

Corrosion occurs when metal reacts with its environment, resulting in the breakdown of the metal’s structure. Understanding the causes of firearm corrosion is crucial in order to effectively prevent it.

Humidity and moisture exposure

One of the primary causes of firearm corrosion is exposure to humidity and moisture. When firearms are exposed to high levels of humidity, moisture can accumulate on the metal surfaces, leading to oxidation and corrosion. This is especially true in environments with fluctuating temperatures, such as basements or attics.

To protect your firearms from humidity and moisture, it is important to store them in a controlled environment with low humidity levels. Investing in a dehumidifier or utilizing moisture-absorbing products, such as silica gel packets, can also help to keep moisture at bay.

How to Keep Moisture Out of Your Gun Safe by Liberty Safe
How to Keep Moisture Out of Your Gun Safe by Liberty Safe.

Improper storage techniques

Improper storage techniques can also contribute to firearm corrosion. Storing firearms in damp or dirty areas, such as a dusty basement or a mold-infested garage, can accelerate the corrosion process. Additionally, leaving firearms exposed to the elements, such as rain or direct sunlight, can also increase the risk of corrosion.

To prevent corrosion due to improper storage, it is important to store firearms in a clean and dry area. Utilizing a gun safe or a secure gun cabinet with proper ventilation can provide an ideal storage solution. Additionally, using protective coatings or lubricants specifically designed for firearms can provide an extra layer of protection against corrosion.

Chemical exposure

Chemical exposure can also lead to firearm corrosion. Contact with corrosive substances, such as cleaning solvents or certain types of ammunition, can cause damage to the metal surfaces. It is important to use cleaning solvents and lubricants that are specifically formulated for firearms to avoid any potential chemical reactions that can result in corrosion.

Properly cleaning and drying your firearms after each use is essential to remove any residue from cleaning solvents or ammunition. Regular maintenance and inspection of your firearms can help identify any signs of corrosion early on, allowing you to take immediate action to prevent further damage.

The impact of firearm corrosion on performance and safety

Firearm corrosion not only affects the aesthetics of your firearm, but it can also have a significant impact on its performance and safety.

Reduced accuracy and reliability

Corrosion can cause pitting and erosion on the metal surfaces of your firearm, which can lead to reduced accuracy and reliability. The presence of corrosion can affect the barrel’s smoothness and can cause ammunition to lose velocity, resulting in decreased accuracy. Additionally, corrosion on critical firearm components, such as the firing pin or trigger mechanism, can lead to malfunctions or misfires, compromising the reliability of your firearm.

Regular cleaning and maintenance routines can help prevent corrosion and ensure optimal performance and accuracy. Cleaning the barrel, chambers, and other metal surfaces with appropriate cleaning solvents and lubricants can remove any corrosive residue and prevent further damage.

Safety risks

Corrosion can also pose safety risks when it comes to firearms. Weak or corroded metal components can result in structural integrity issues, making the firearm more prone to accidents or malfunctions. In extreme cases, corrosion can cause catastrophic failures, endangering the shooter and those in close proximity.

Regular inspection and maintenance of your firearms are crucial to identify any signs of corrosion or damage. If you notice any pitting, discoloration, or rust on your firearm, it is important to address it immediately and seek professional assistance if necessary.

Related: Why Care About Firearm Corrosion Risk by Zerust.

Common types of firearm corrosion

Understanding the different types of firearm corrosion can help you identify and prevent it more effectively.

Surface corrosion

Surface corrosion is the most common type of firearm corrosion. It typically appears as a thin layer of rust on the metal surfaces. Surface corrosion can be caused by exposure to moisture, humidity, or improper storage techniques. Regular cleaning and proper storage can prevent surface corrosion from occurring.

Pitting corrosion

Pitting corrosion is more severe than surface corrosion and appears as small pits or craters on the metal surfaces. Pitting corrosion is often caused by prolonged exposure to corrosive substances or neglecting proper cleaning and maintenance routines. Preventing pitting corrosion requires regular inspection, cleaning, and the use of protective coatings.

Galvanic corrosion

Galvanic corrosion occurs when two different metals come into contact, creating an electrochemical reaction. This type of corrosion is commonly seen in firearms with mixed metal components, such as steel and aluminum.

To further understand galvanic corrosion, here’s an insightful discussion from Brownells’ ‘Smith Busters’ series:

“Galvanic corrosion in itself is a real thing but it’s not something you need to worry about here. What it is, is a type of corrosion that happens between two dissimilar metals, and it requires those two metals to be conductive in order for it to occur. Anodized aluminum and AR-15 upper receivers are going to be type III hard-code anodized, which is not conductive” – Stephen Caleb, Brownells.

For a detailed explanation, you can watch the full video below:

Stress corrosion cracking

Stress corrosion cracking is a type of corrosion that occurs under mechanical stress. It can result from exposure to corrosive environments, such as saltwater or chemical agents. Firearms used in coastal or marine environments are particularly susceptible to stress corrosion cracking. Regular cleaning and maintenance, along with protective coatings, are essential in preventing this type of corrosion.

Preventive measures for firearm corrosion

Preventing firearm corrosion requires a combination of proactive measures and regular maintenance routines. Here are some preventive measures you can take to protect your investment:

Clean your firearms regularly

Regular cleaning is essential to remove any dirt, residue, or corrosive substances that can lead to corrosion. Use appropriate cleaning solvents and lubricants specifically formulated for firearms. Pay close attention to the barrel, chambers, and other metal surfaces, ensuring they are thoroughly cleaned and dried after each use.

Apply protective coatings

Applying protective coatings can provide an additional layer of defense against corrosion. There are various types of coatings available, such as bluing, Parkerizing, or Cerakote. Consult with a professional or do thorough research to determine which coating is best suited for your firearm.

Store firearms in a controlled environment

Proper storage is crucial in preventing firearm corrosion. Store your firearms in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area. Avoid storing them in areas prone to high humidity or extreme temperature fluctuations. Utilize a gun safe or a secure gun cabinet to protect your firearms from environmental factors.

Use desiccants or moisture-absorbing products

To further protect your firearms from humidity and moisture, consider using desiccants or moisture-absorbing products. Silica gel packets or dehumidifier rods can help absorb excess moisture in the storage area and reduce the risk of corrosion.

Regularly inspect your firearms

Regular inspection is key to identifying any signs of corrosion or damage early on. Inspect your firearms for pitting, rust, discoloration, or any other abnormalities. If you notice any issues, take immediate action to prevent further corrosion and seek professional assistance if necessary.

Cleaning and maintenance techniques to prevent corrosion

Proper cleaning and maintenance routines are essential to prevent firearm corrosion. Here are some techniques you can incorporate into your routine:

Disassemble your firearm for cleaning

To effectively clean your firearm, it is important to disassemble it. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions or consult with a professional if you are unsure about the disassembly process. This will allow you to access all the metal surfaces and ensure a thorough cleaning.

Use appropriate cleaning solvents and lubricants

Use cleaning solvents and lubricants that are specifically formulated for firearms. Avoid using household cleaning products or improvising with other substances, as they may contain corrosive or abrasive agents that can damage the metal surfaces.

Clean metal surfaces with brushes and patches

Use brushes and patches specifically designed for cleaning firearms to remove dirt, residue, and corrosion. Nylon or brass brushes are recommended to avoid scratching or damaging the metal surfaces. Be thorough but gentle when cleaning to avoid unnecessary wear or damage.

Dry your firearms thoroughly

After cleaning, ensure that your firearms are completely dry before reassembling and storing them. Moisture left on the metal surfaces can contribute to corrosion. Use lint-free cloths or air compressors to remove any excess moisture.

Apply appropriate lubrication

Once your firearm is clean and dry, apply a thin layer of appropriate lubrication to the metal surfaces. This will help prevent friction and protect against corrosion. Be mindful not to over-lubricate, as excessive lubrication can attract dust and dirt.

Choosing the right storage solutions to prevent corrosion

Proper storage and security of firearms are crucial to prevent corrosion and maintain the longevity of your firearms. Here are several storage solutions that can help protect your AR-15 from corrosion:

Gun safes

Investing in a quality gun safe provides secure storage and protection from environmental factors that can cause corrosion. Gun safes are designed to regulate temperature and humidity levels, reducing the risk of corrosion. Look for safes with proper ventilation and consider additional features like dehumidifiers or silica gel packs to keep moisture at bay. Fireproof gun safes can offer added protection against temperature fluctuations.

Secure gun cabinets

If a gun safe is not within your budget or space constraints, a secure gun cabinet can be a viable alternative. Look for cabinets with solid construction and locking mechanisms to ensure the safety and security of your firearms. Ensure that the cabinet has proper ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. Using desiccants or moisture-absorbing products inside the cabinet can also help control humidity levels.

Silicone-treated gun socks

Silicone-treated gun socks provide an additional layer of protection against moisture and rust. They are inexpensive and can be used to individually store firearms within a safe or cabinet. Gun socks are especially useful for firearms that are frequently handled or transported, offering both physical and moisture protection.

Desiccant dehumidifiers

Desiccant dehumidifiers are an effective way to control moisture levels in your storage area. They absorb excess moisture, reducing the risk of corrosion. Look for desiccant dehumidifiers that are specifically designed for gun safes or cabinets and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal performance. Regularly replace or recharge the desiccants to maintain their effectiveness.

Climate-Controlled Storage

For those with extensive firearm collections, climate-controlled storage solutions provide the ultimate protection against corrosion. These solutions maintain consistent temperature and humidity levels, preventing the conditions that cause corrosion. Climate-controlled rooms or specially designed gun vaults can be ideal for long-term storage.

Best Practices for Securing Your AR-15 at Home

Once you have chosen a storage solution, follow these best practices to ensure your AR-15 is properly secured and protected from corrosion:

  1. Location: Store your firearms in a cool, dry area of your home, away from direct sunlight, water sources, and areas prone to high humidity.
  2. Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your firearms for signs of corrosion or moisture buildup. This will help you address any issues before they cause significant damage.
  3. Cleaning and Maintenance: Clean and lubricate your firearms regularly to remove any residues that could promote corrosion. Use appropriate cleaning solvents and lubricants specifically formulated for firearms.
  4. Ventilation: Ensure your storage area is well-ventilated to prevent moisture buildup. If using a gun safe or cabinet, consider installing a small fan to improve air circulation.
  5. Desiccants and Dehumidifiers: Use desiccants, dehumidifiers, or moisture-absorbing products in your storage area to control humidity levels and prevent corrosion.

Additional Tips for Preventing Corrosion

  • Avoid Storing Firearms in Soft Cases: Soft cases can trap moisture and promote corrosion. Use hard cases with built-in desiccant compartments for better protection. Forum: Storage Question–Rust from Soft case?? on The Firing Line.
  • Use Protective Coatings: Apply protective coatings such as bluing, Parkerizing, or Cerakote to your firearms to provide an additional layer of defense against corrosion.
YouTube: Cerakote 6 Month Time-Lapse Outdoor Corrosion Comparison Test (Part 1)
  • Minimize Handling: Minimize handling of your firearms with bare hands, as oils and sweat can contribute to corrosion. Use gloves or handle firearms with a clean cloth.
  • Store Firearms Unloaded: Storing firearms unloaded can help prevent any potential damage to ammunition and reduce the risk of corrosion in the chamber.
By choosing the right storage solutions and following these best practices, you can effectively protect your AR-15 and other firearms from corrosion, ensuring their longevity and optimal performance.

Identifying signs of corrosion and taking immediate action

Regular inspection is crucial in identifying any signs of corrosion early on. Here are some common signs of corrosion to look out for:

          1. Discoloration or staining on metal surfaces
          2. Pitting or erosion on the metal surfaces
          3. Rust or oxidation
          4. Rough or gritty texture on the metal surfaces

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take immediate action to prevent further corrosion. Here are some steps you can take:

          1. Thoroughly clean the affected areas using appropriate cleaning solvents and brushes.
          2. Remove any corrosion or rust using gentle abrasive materials, such as fine steel wool or copper brushes.
          3. Apply a protective coating or lubricant to the cleaned areas to prevent future corrosion.
          4. If the corrosion is severe or extensive, consider seeking professional assistance or consulting with a gunsmith.

Professional firearm cleaning and maintenance services

While regular cleaning and maintenance routines can significantly reduce the risk of firearm corrosion, sometimes professional assistance is necessary. Professional firearm cleaning and maintenance services can provide a thorough inspection, cleaning, and restoration of your firearms.

Professional gunsmiths have the expertise and specialized tools to identify and address any corrosion or damage effectively. They can also provide recommendations for preventive measures and offer guidance on proper cleaning and maintenance techniques.

Consider scheduling periodic visits to a professional gunsmith to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your firearms.

Conclusion: Importance of regular maintenance and care to protect your investment

Protecting your investment in firearms goes beyond just purchasing them. Regular maintenance and care are essential to prevent corrosion and ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your firearms.

Understanding the causes of firearm corrosion, such as humidity and moisture exposure, improper storage techniques, and chemical exposure, is crucial in implementing preventive measures. Regular cleaning, inspection, and the use of appropriate protective coatings and lubricants can significantly reduce the risk of corrosion.

Choosing the right storage solutions, such as gun safes, secure gun cabinets, or silicone-treated gun socks, can provide an added layer of protection against environmental factors.

Identifying signs of corrosion and taking immediate action is essential to prevent further damage and ensure the safety and reliability of your firearms.

Remember, when it comes to protecting your investment, prevention is key. By incorporating regular cleaning, maintenance, and storage practices into your firearm care routine, you can safeguard your investment and enjoy optimal firearm performance for years to come.

Elyssa McGregor

Elyssa is the Information Technology Manager at KAK Industry. She blends her tech expertise with a passion for the firearm industry. She thrives on crafting innovative ideas and conducting research for engaging blog posts and marketing materials. Elyssa's unique approach reflects her dedication to both technology and the firearms community.

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