Brace yourself, the ATF’s final ruling was announced Friday the 13th to clarify when a rifle is designed, made, and intended to be fired from the shoulder. An unconstitutional move from the Biden administration in efforts to beef up gun control regulations.
As predicted on our previous bump stock ban post, the ruling was announced right before SHOT Show® 2023. A show that is one of the nation’s largest firearm conventions for the sport shooting, hunting and outdoor industry.

What is the ATF’s Final Ruling
The final ruling lists out the factoring criteria for firearms with attached “stabilizing braces”. An “accessory” that would determine whether the firearm would be considered a “rifle” or “short-barreled rifle” regulated by the ATF. You can read the ATF’s 293-page publication on the final ruling here.
Gun Owners of America –
The ATF is forcing millions of gun owners like you to choose among the following options:
Rebuild your firearm at your own cost [Register it with the federal government]❗Destroy your own LEGALLY purchased firearm❗Go to jail for up to 10 years and pay up to a $250,000 fine
If you need an “easy” visual to determine if your firearm is legal or not, this “ATF Gun Classification” parody should help…some! 👀

IG Credit: @rational.rebel.v2
Unfortunately due to the nature and wording of the ATFs ruling, we are unable to provide any legal determination of the effect of using a Shockwave, or any other pistol brace, on any specific application. Only the ATF can provide a positive determination as to the status of any firearm utilizing any type of stabilizing brace. We recommend contacting the ATF technical branch with any questions:
Phone: 304-616-4301 Email:
120 Day Grace Period
What comes with the ATF’s final ruling is a 120 day grace period. In summary, you may be a convicted felon if you do not follow the ruling within the 120 day period.
Officials estimate about 3 million stabilizing braces are currently in circulation in the U.S. That’s a lot of law-abiding citizens said to be breaking the law if they do not comply. You will have no choice but to upgrade that barrel size to 16” and remove brace. Or register. Or dispose of your pistol-braced gun.
Attorney General Merric Garland –
Today’s rule makes clear that firearm manufacturers, dealers, and individuals cannot evade these important public safety protections simply by adding accessories to pistols that transform them into short-barreled rifles.

Is This the End for Stabilizing Pistol Braces?
No. This is not the end. There is a lot of fight opposing the illegal pistol brace ban that violates our 2nd Amendment rights.
Congresswoman Mary Miller –
The unelected bureaucrats at ATF do not have the Constitutional authority to ban guns and violate the Second Amendment rights of American citizens. I will sponsor legislation to BLOCK Biden’s “Pistol Brace” gun ban and DEFUND Biden’s tyrannical ATF!
Will Biden’s pistol brace ban survive scrutiny? Unlikely. The Second Amendment Foundation already have a legal case against the pistol brace ban pending in the Fifth Circuit. It is possible a federal judge could block the new prohibition from being enforced before the 120-day grace period ends.
Related: SAF Rips ATF ‘Final Rule’ on Arm Braces, Lawsuit Will Move Forward
Stephen Gutowski, Founder of –
There’s no reason the 5th Circuit ruling against the bump stock ban couldn’t be copy and pasted for the pistol brace ban. The facts of the case are nearly identical.
As a firearm manufacturing company, but most importantly as your fellow American citizens, we are asking to continue the fight against the ban to protect our second amendment rights. Let’s come together and TAKE ACTION: HELP STOP THE ATF’S PISTOL BAN! #savethebraces #endbracism
DISCLAIMER: It is the responsibility of the consumer to ensure that their use of the Shockwave Blade complies with all NFA laws and regulations. KAK Industry cannot provide any legal advice or interpretation of ATF rules and regulations and cannot be held responsible for the actions of the end user. Please refer to the ATF website to determine if your use of the Shockwave Blade is controlled by the NFA or other regulations. ATF Information on Pistol Braces
I just saw a video today that said that attaching your brace may not be considered an SBR. That would be exciting news for you if true.
Yes it would, thank you for your support.
this doesn’t make any sense!
Ridiculous, isn’t it.
I think the solution is simple, for those with pistol braces on AR’s (of course I myself have NEVER owned one)! Solution is valid in the event this unconstitutional ban is not overturned:
Remove the brace from the buffer tube. Stash it someplace “for a rainy day” i.e. when the SHTF. Do NOT stash it on your own property—in case they ever come after you with a search warrant, determined to destroy your house and dig up your entire yard in order to get a felony conviction on you. And that day WILL come if idiots keep electing democrats!
Stash it somewhere other than your best friend’s house too, they could decide to get a search warrant and destroy his house too. IF democrats keep getting elected.
Of course the rules will continue to change, the goalposts will continue to be moved, what the ATF says is legal 6 months from now could be determined to be illegal a year from now, IF democrats keep getting elected!
Are you seeing a pattern here? Democrats destroy Constitutional Rights! DO NOT vote for democrats!!!
Thank you for your solution Mike. We value your opinion.
I printed out the Dept. of Justice BATF Factoring Criteria FOR Rifled Barrel Weapons With Accessories* commonly referred to as “STABILIZING BRACES” factoring chart yada-yada-yada… This is two pages
ATF WORKSHEET 4999(5330.5) (5-21)
I think I got this from ” Firearms News “
Thank you for sharing! Here is a link to the worksheet you mentioned.
Dear KAK,
Even under these “Let’s go Brandon” times you can still market your pistol brace product line. Just change the name to Brandon Rifle Stocks, I put 16 inch barrels on my pistols until the courts overturn this current infrengment.
Yes! 🙌
Does putting a 16″ barrel on a forearm braced pistol allow you to keep the brace on the weapon?
Yes, because if 16” or longer barrel, it is considered a normal (not SBR – short barreled rifle) rifle.